
The Cathedral of St. John Berchmans is funded entirely through the generosity of our parishioners and donors whose steadfast support allows us to maintain and grow our vital ministries and programs.  Stewardship is defined as a generous response to God for all of the blessings we have received.

Ways to Give

  • Envelopes – Weekly or Monthly.  New Parishioners, indicate your preference on the Parishioner Registration Form. Contact Missy Carroll any time you wish to make a change.
  • On-Line Giving Made Easy Click here to donate online. For more information on online giving, click here.
  • Bill Pay – Contact your financial institution to use their Bill Pay feature if it is available to you.
  • Tribute and Memorial Gifts – Honor family members and friends by making a donation to the Cathedral parish in his or her name.  Tribute gifts are meaningful and unique ways to honor birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, anniversaries or any special occasion.  We will notify the honoree of your thoughtful gift with a card.  You will receive acknowledgment of the donation for your records.
  • Legacy Society – Membership in the Legacy Society includes all who have made a provision in their estate plans, trusts, annuities, stocks and securities, retirement plans, insurance policies or endowments to support the Cathedral.  Please remember that making the Cathedral a beneficiary is easy to do, your assets remain in your control, and you can change your designations if your needs change.  It is important to note that if you leave retirement plan assets from a 403(k) or traditional IRA to loved ones, they must pay income tax on the funds when they are received.  However, if you leave the retirement assets to the Cathedral, the funds are not depleted by taxes because we are a qualifying charitable organization.  To achieve your personal and charitable goals, consider leaving other appreciated assets such as stock or real estate to loved ones, but leave your retirement assets to the Cathedral.
  • Sanctuary Lamp & Mass intentions– Honor or memorialize family members and friends with a Sanctuary Lamp in the Cathedral ($10) or Chapel ($10) or Mass Intention ($5). Read more about these options.  

Important Note:  Donations must be identifiable if you want to receive credit for your income taxes and/or proof for eligibility to receive the Catholic tuition rate for SJB’s School.  Loose cash donations (i.e., not in an envelope or with a note indicating the donor) placed in the collection are not identifiable.

For more information on how to make a donation to the Cathedral, please contact Pam Shaughnessy, Director of Finance, in the Cathedral office at (318) 221-5296 or email.

Helpful Links

Join Our E-Berchman's Newsletter

Update: We have one of our Church office phone lines working. The number is 318-221-0986. AT&T continues to work on the other phone lines, which is part of the ongoing extensive cable repair in our area. 
If you need assistance, please call 318-221-0986 or email Donna Laroux at
Request: Please help us pass on the information and telephone number.