The Relics of Padre Pio

Parish Potluck Dinner and Documentary Film
"Fifty Years of Thorns and Roses - The Life of St. Padre Pio"
November 13 , 6:30pm, Parish Hall

Fr. Peter Mangum’s Invitation

Cathedral of St. John Berchmans

Hosts “The Relics of Padre Pio”

The Cathedral of St. John Berchmans will host the relics of St. Padre Pio on Monday, November 14 and Tuesday, November 15. The relics are cared for by the Saint Pio Foundation in New York, and include first-class relics – crust of his wounds, a lock of his hair and gauze with his blood stains (from his stigmata wounds). The reliquaries are beautiful and will make for a very inspiring display in our Cathedral.

Who is St. Padre Pio?

St. Padre Pio (Francesco Forgione) was born in 1887 to peasant farmers in Pietrelcina, Italy. He entered the Franciscan Capuchin order at the age of 15 and began studying for the priesthood, taking the name of “Pio” in honor of Pope Pius I. He quickly became known for his piety and dedication to the Eucharist. St. Padre Pio received the mystical stigmata in 1916 (bleeding from the wounds of Christ), a phenomenon that has been well-documented by numerous witnesses, medical experts, and affirmed by the Vatican. Furthermore, he became known for other extraordinary spiritual gifts, including reports of his ability to “bi-locate” and having detailed knowledge of the sins of penitents in the confessional. Interest in Padre Pio’s life made him internationally known during his lifetime, and his piety and charity inspired many. In 1947, a Polish priest, Father Karol Wojtyla, visited Padre Pio, who told him he would rise to the highest office in the Church. Indeed, in 1978, Father Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope John Paul II.

Padre Pio died in 1968, and was canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II, whose rise to the papacy was prophetically foretold. One of St. Padre Pio’s most famous inspirational messages to the world was a simple yet profound admonition to “pray, hope, and don’t worry.”

Why Do Catholics Venerate Relics?

The beautiful practice of venerating (honoring) relics of saints is an ancient devotion in the Church, dating to the time of the Apostles and the early martyrs. Such veneration is an expression of our Incarnational theology, consistent with Catholic teaching that God fully fused Himself with His creation. We honor the dignity and sanctity of all human life, and reserve special honor for those who led extraordinary lives of holiness. Across the centuries, Christians have venerated relics as a way of contemplating the greatest Divine mysteries.  

Parish Potluck & Padre Pio Film

“Fifty Years of Thorns and Roses, The Life of St. Padre Pio”       

On November 13, 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall, we will celebrate the arrival of the Padre Pio Relics with a Parish Potluck Dinner and a documentary film, Fifty Years of Thorns and Roses – The Life of Padre Pio. 

All are welcome to attend. In the spirit of fellowship, please bring a dish to pass that will serve twelve. If your last name begins with …, bring a plate of …:


If you have questions, please contact the Church Office, 221-5296.

Padre Pio Relics Schedule

Click Here – Padre Pio Resource Guide

Sunday, November 13 (Parish Hall)

6:30pm: Parish Potluck Dinner and Documentary Film:                Fifty Years of Thorns and Roses, The Life of St. Padre Pio       

Monday, November 14 (Cathedral)

8:15am: St. John Berchmans School Mass
9:30am: Loyola College Prep Mass
10:30am – 12:00pm: Public Veneration
12:10pm: Mass in the Cathedral
1:00 – 5:00pm: Public veneration
5:00pm: Rosary and Litany of St. Padre Pio: Fr. Dhanraj Narla
5:30pm: Mass in the Cathedral
6:15pm: Presentation in the Cathedral:
Father Peter Mangum and Dr. Cheryl White
Veneration of Relics
The Mystical Stigmata
7:00 – 8:00pm: Public Veneration

Tuesday, November 15 (Cathedral)

8:00am – Noon: SJB Ministries/Catholic Center Personnel/Public Veneration
12:10pm: Mass in the Cathedral
1:00 – 5:00pm: Public veneration
5:00pm: Rosary and Litany of St. Padre Pio: Dcn. John Basco
5:30pm: Mass in the Cathedral
6:15pm: Presentation in the Cathedral:
Father Raney Johnson and Sister AnnaMaria Iannetti
The Life and Impact of St. Padre Pio 

Saint Padre Pio Pray for Us

Dear God,

You generously blessed Your servant, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, with the gifts of the Spirit.  You marked his body with the five wounds of Christ Crucified, as a powerful witness to the saving Passion and Death of Your Son.  Endowed with the gift of discernment, Saint Pio labored endlessly in the confessional for the salvation of souls.

With reverence and intense devotion in the celebration of Mass, he invited countless men and women to a greater union with Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. 

Through the intercession of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, I confidently beseech You to grant me the grace of (here state your petition) Glory be to the Father… (3 times). Amen.


“Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.”     St. Padre Pio

The Statue " I Embrace You"



The small crucifix represents Jesus ascension into the sky.

The blood from Jesus’ wounds, flowing down through the gloved hands of Padre Pio, represents the spirit of Jesus descending and “breathing over the whole world.”

Saint Pio’s face is not photographic; instead, it portrays Saint Pio’s response to the pain and suffering of the world while at the same time experiencing the ecstasy of being close to Christ.

His kneeling body depicts him in prayer. He is leaning back and appears almost felled by the weight of the world and the spiritual transformation of the world through the spirit of Christ.

His fringed robe reminds us of Saint Pio’s emulation of St. Francis.

The globe represents all of humanity. Saint Pio assists the movement of God’s love over the Earth. Of all the continents on the globe, North America appears most prominently.

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