What is the Ministry of Care?
“As Christians, we are called, indeed empowered, to comfort others in the midst of their suffering by giving them reason to hope.”
The words of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin remind us of our call to provide hope and comfort to those who are homebound, in nursing homes or in hospitals. Whether it is short or long-term, image how a parishioner feels when they are unable to attend Mass, participate in the sacraments or in parish activities because of an illness or the effects of aging.
The Cathedral of St. John Berchmans’ Ministry of Care helps to provide that hope and comfort. The Ministers of Care are generous and concerned men and women who are called to share the love and presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist with the shut-ins and sick. They are once again visiting the shut-ins and sick and we need more volunteers for this ministry to grow. The ministry is comprised of three areas and volunteers may elect to participate in one, two or all three. Training is provided.
Visitation / EMHC (Extraordinary Ministers of Communion)
Visiting parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes or in hospitals helps to instill hope, comfort and companionship. Unable to attend Mass, the parishioner can remain connected to the parish community in the sharing and celebration of the Holy Eucharist, thanks to our caring Cathedral volunteers. If you are not currently serving as an EMHC, training is provided. In addition to sharing the Eucharist, our Ministers of Care can make arrangements–with one of our priests–for the individual reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick.
Phone Call Ministry
A phone call goes a long way to comfort those who are sick to celebrate companionship and share God’s love. A call full of hope allows the Minister of Care to show that they, and the parish, care, even when not present physically.
Prayer and Card Ministry
Prayer and written words of encouragement lift the spirits of those sick. Volunteers send cards to our shut-ins and the sick. This is a wonderful way for us to express our care, concern and love for them, and to let them know their parish is praying for them.
Whether you visit the sick, distribute Holy Communion, call, pray, or send cards to the sick; there is a place for you in the Ministry of Care!
Desire to Serve as a Minister of Care?
Contact Mary Kay Townley in the Cathedral Office
In Need of a Minister of Care?