St John Berchmans Council 10728
The Knights of Columbus was formed in 1882 as a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit organization.
Today, the Knights of Columbus has grown to over 14,000 councils and more than 1.8 million members. This brotherhood of men stand together in faith to uphold the principles of the Catholic Church and support their parish, its members, and their communities. Interested in joining the Knights of Columbus? Membership is open to practicing Catholic men who are at least 18 years old. Check out our link on the right side of the page for more information.
SJB Knights of Columbus News
For the sixth year in a row, due to the hard work of our council and great support from our parish, we earned Star Council status for support to parish, community, school and religious causes as well as sustained membership involvement and growth. Our fund raising and outreach efforts allowed us to assist the Pro-Life Banquet, LA Right to Life, Mary’s House, St Vincent de Paul, Gabriel’s Closet, local seminarians, the Volunteers of America Veterans Home, St John Berchmans School, the Cathedral Campaign, American Cancer Society, and other worthy causes.
We pray that in 2020-2021 we are able to continue our service to God and the St John Berchmans Cathedral parish with the same level of success and dedication through our dedication to our principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We invite any Catholic men interested in learning more about the Knights of Columbus to reach out to any of our members or contact us through the link on the right side of this webpage.
Faith In Action
With a new Columbian year starting in July, the Knights of Columbus are embarking on a new initiative to increase the Council’s participation in the Parish as well as encourage spiritual growth and development of all our members. This new initiative, called Faith in Action, focuses each Council on specific and concrete activities to meet the needs of our members and the community. In the opening lines of Evangelii Gaudium (the Joy of the Gospel), His Holiness Pope Francis invites “Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ.” The Faith in action program model extends that same invitation to Knights of Columbus members and their families. it is a renewed personal invitation to live out the calling of their faith, the call to service of their neighbor and to answer the age old question, “am I my brother’s keeper?” (gn 4:9).
You can get more information about the Faith in Action initiative in this new guidebook — Faith in Action Guidebook
Over the next few months our Council will incorporate these new ideas as we continue to serve our St John Berchmans Cathedral parish community. As we do, we will add more information, pictures and details here on this website.
Important Dates
Important Links
- Pay dues online here
- Join the Knights
- National KoC Site
- Louisiana KoC Site
- Father McGivney Site
- Catholic News Reader
- Great Ideas for Dads!
Knights Forms and Sites