Gift Bearer

CCD Parents,

During the Mass, at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Gift Bearers bring forward the bread and wine which will become the Body and Blood of Christ. They represent the entire community. In this ministry, family members can serve together. 

This ministry is ancient. In the second century, Justin Martyr described the Mass: “When our prayer is ended, bread and wine with water are brought forth, and the presider offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability.” Gift Bearers represent the entire community when bringing forward the bread and wine for consecration.  When serving as a gift bearer, your cue to bring the gifts forward is when the Priest moves to the place in front of the altar where he will receive the gifts (during the time of the collection). Bearing gifts is a beautiful ministry and one that family members or friends can serve together.  All that is required is to arrive 15 minutes before Mass begins. Check in with the ushers to notify them of your arrival.

Please consider signing up today.

Sarah Romanski, CCD Coordinator

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