Holy Mass


Holy Mass

We go to Mass not simply because it’s an obligation. Rather, we attend Mass because it’s our loving response to the God who loved us first. It is an active choice of the will to give of our time, treasure, and talent – knowing full well it will never amount to the sacrifice endured by our Savior.

 When we attend Mass, we  participate in the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ.  We receive his body, blood, soul and divinity in the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life. It is our spiritual nourishment. We accompany Jesus on the road to Calvary. We share in his sufferings and offer our own struggles to Him.  This is why, there is nothing more important than going to Mass as a family.

Watch the video and discover what is revealed at Mass.

The “Veil Removed” is a short film that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church.

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Update: We have one of our Church office phone lines working. The number is 318-221-0986. AT&T continues to work on the other phone lines, which is part of the ongoing extensive cable repair in our area. 
If you need assistance, please call 318-221-0986 or email Donna Laroux at dlaroux@sjbcathedral.org.
Request: Please help us pass on the information and telephone number.