Catholic Service Appeal

Dear Friends,  

Last weekend, we announced the start of the Catholic Service Appeal (CSA) and heard how it touches all our lives. As you can see from the CSA video, the ministries supported by the appeal bring healing, compassion, and love to thousands of people in North Louisiana. 

The Catholic Service Appeal (the CSA) is our opportunity to come together as Catholics across the diocese to initiate many acts of kindness and mercy. The ministries supported by the CSA continue because of you! 

The appeal gives us an opportunity to support the Catholic values we believe in, to be true disciples of Jesus Christ by following His directions to do for others. I am excited about the really great work funded by our shared support of the Appeal, and I invite you to join me with your pledge. 

This past week, you should have received a pledge card in the mail. If not, you can obtain one while attending Mass this weekend. Please consider giving your gift today by filling out the pledge card or going online. There are options for monthly recurring gifts. If you have pledged already,  Thank You! 

The diocese’s goal for the appeal is $1.8 million. Our parish’s portion is $153,207.  I believe we can achieve our goal if every family participates in the appeal. Your monthly pledge can be as little as $5 a month or as much as you believe God has blessed you and your family. No matter what you pledge, every gift is appreciated. More important than the amount you pledge is the FACT that you pledge.

In Christ,

Father Peter Mangum

Catholic Service Appeal Mission and Purpose

With support from all the faithful, the Catholic Service Appeal provides materials, faith formation, and spiritual needs to God’s people across the 16 civil parishes of North Louisiana. The Catholic Service Appeal provides an opportunity for all the faithful to support essential resources that bring hope to many and build our mission’s future.

  • Campus Ministries
  • Faith Formation
  • Family Life Ministries
  • Seminarian Education
  • Multi-cultural Ministry
  • Infirmed & Retired Priests
  • Pro-Life Ministry
  • Restorative Justice Ministry
  • St. Vincent de Paul
  • Catholic Schools
  • Youth Ministry
  • Catholic Connections

Catholic Service Appeal Prayer

Lord God,

Thank you for the blessings of life, faith, and family, the sacrifice of your son, Jesus, and the beautiful gifts of nature and the goodness of others that surround us each day. 

All that we are and all that we have, we owe to you. Give us the courage to love and serve you and your people through our support for this year’s Catholic Service Appeal.

May we give generously, never counting the cost, offering back all we have so that the most vulnerable neighbors among us may be drawn closer to your saving love. 

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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Update: We have one of our Church office phone lines working. The number is 318-221-0986. AT&T continues to work on the other phone lines, which is part of the ongoing extensive cable repair in our area. 
If you need assistance, please call 318-221-0986 or email Donna Laroux at
Request: Please help us pass on the information and telephone number.