Lent at the Cathedral

Highlighted Announcement

The annual Catholic Service Appeal is a diocesan-wide effort that supports the ministries and pastoral services of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Shreveport. The Catholic Service Appeal is an opportunity for Catholics across North Louisiana to be good stewards of the Church and its people through sharing their gifts from God.


Saturday Mass

4:00 pm

Adoration: 10 am ~ 2 pm

Sunday Mass

8:00 am
11:00 am
5:30 pm

Weekday Mass

Monday ~ Friday: 12:10 pm Chapel

Friday Adoration: 11:00 am 
Friday Benediction: 11:45 am 


Tues-Thur: 11:30am ~ 12:00  Saturday: 2:30 ~ 3:45 pm          By Appointment 

Be sure to sign up for our Cathedral Family Pictorial Directory.

The photography days are coming up soon!

Click the link below or the image to sign up.


Church ID: LA166
Password: Photos

Highlighted Events

Click image to buy tickets

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Upcoming Events

For more information, please click here to see the full calendar. 

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